Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hot and Cold

This is just fun~ In Glacier right now, you can swim in the lake and ski on the mountain, all in a day. Check it out:

Here Bridget and I are taking a canoe down the creek. Temps at in the high 80s or low 90s! Yesterday, we even swam in the lake... and not just for 30 seconds~ We could actually stay in the water for as long as we wanted (well, at least me and Caiti could... Bridget was too cold)

And then, just 30 miles up the road, we find this: Logan Pass completely blanketed in snow!!! There were people skiing and snowboarding up there! If only I'd thought to bring my skis to a summer job...!

Ok, so there are just two little tidbit photos for you while I try and get my other trip photos uploaded! I can't wait to show you photos from our Otokomi Lake trip, and then our Cracker Lake trip (complete with exploration of an abandonded copper mine), and all the fun sunsets, canoe trips, and birthday parties in between.


  1. Wow, Emilie! I can't wait to hear the stories and see the pictures...The snow looks so nice. To swim and ski on the same day is pretty outrageous~ The ideal kind of summer day if you ask me!
    Your biggest fan, MOM

  2. Awesome - sounds like California! However, in Cali, you have to go a little more than 30 miles to do it all in a day.
    Abandoned copper mine? Sounds intriguing! Hope you snagged a few pieces of gnarly green copper to send to your fans. Or at least a picture or two.
    Did my card get there alive? I finally found what I was going to send weeks ago - it had gotten buried on a shelf, out of sight. Sheesh! So, I'll re-check your address and send it on its merry way.
    Wish I could send mySELF on my merry way! Looks like my kinda place! :>
    Glad you're having fun, Cookie. Keep the pics & stories rolling ...
    Love ya! Aunt Dana
