January 2012
October 2011
A classic that I somehow never read, not having gone to school in the states. Why this particular classic? No reason. Again, it caught my eye and I decided to pick it up.
September 2011:
I think Nina recommended I pick this up, or maybe it was Megan (in either case, two people whose opinions I value highly). I had actually been meaning to read this book for a while, so since I'm unemployed, I'm trying to make use of this free time to get through some books I've been interested in.
Half way through so far... it's a good book, but I have to say that it is overwhelmingly depressing, especially the first section. I can totally understand why so many people would prefer to just believe that global warming is a hoax, because the reality of it is just so..... scary. As McKibben says, we no longer live on Earth - the planet that humans have lived on for thousands of years. We live in this new Eaarth: a place of dwindling natural resources, increasing environmental catastrophes, toxins, extinctions, and changes that we just have never seen before... This is our home, though, so we've got to start changing too - and fast - if we want to stay here...
Let's see what McKibben has to say about how we can actually go about doing that....
Let's see what McKibben has to say about how we can actually go about doing that....
Haha... of course I'm reading this! I saw this at a local used book store, and couldn't resist. This is where I found the info on the hike for Mt. Toby! :)
I just finished reading this book, a mystery thriller set in a medieval abbey in the mountains of Italy. The book is practically written in Latin, it uses so many Latin words, quotes, and poetry. But it was a fascinating read. It's one of those fiction books that makes you feel smarter just for reading it. Eco is a crazy fanatical researcher, and the amount of information he gives on the catholic church during that period, the inquisition, the great Schism, this book is more historical fiction than fiction.
Based on reading this book, I now want to read a book called "The Swerve" which isn't even out yet, but seems to be in a similar vein... Oh books, what a wonderful thing...