Friday, July 29, 2011

Two Medicine and Otokomi Lake: July 5th and 6th

Ok, Now I'm FINALLY uploading a serious amount of photos, to catch you guys up on all my recent adventures!! So, this is from my last trip to Two Medicine, where Caiti and I camped with Heather and Bridget, and then we hiked Otokomi Lake in the St. Mary Valley.... it's about time you all got to see these awesome photos!
 This is our campsite~ So convenient to camp in the front country, with amenities like picnic tables and fire pits! :) My tent it the lovely orange one~ I LOVE my tent!! So roomy, and perfect~~ :)
 We watched the moon follow the sun as it was setting~ This is the Two Medicine Lake, just beyond our campsite~ What an amazing view.
Here I am as we set out on the trail to Otokomi Lake... 10 mile round trip hike following Rose Creek. It was gorgeous, but sweltering hot!!! I had to keep dipping my hat in the creek, pouring the icy water over myself, and then putting the wet hat on my head to keep from overheating!
 But then here is the incedible lake we got to enjoy after that long, hot hike! The water still had ice in it, as you can see, so it was COLD! But, I was HOT, and I jumped in! What a refreshing way to finish a hike!!
 On the way back I did some yoga!!
 Crossed some large snowfields....
 Enjoyed the perfect temps as the sun was setting! Not so hot anymore!
 Gazed out at the view...
 More snowfield crossing~ I just love the way the sun looks as it hits the mountains! yay! Another awesome day of hiking~

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Emilie~ Amazing photos!!!
    Dad is a little worried about you hiking alone...he told me to tell you to keep your eyes open for bears^^ Of course we want you to come home safely :)

    I love the pictures. Did you get the package I sent you yet?

    We are half-way through the ODP workshop. And we are VERY VERY glad to be here.
    Kazuha Canak is here and she said she knows you. There is also a brother from Belgium who lives near Dad. What a small world.

    I will post some pictures of our workshop in a few days.
    And now I will post some picture on Facebook of our visit to Joachim's house.

    Love, MOM
