Monday, June 13, 2011

Still Alive!

Hey Everyone! Sorry for the lack of communication over the past few days.

I just got back from a 3-day, 2-night trip. We went backpacking in the Belly River Valley, up near the Canadian border. It was fabulous! I'm still alive. And I will post photos tomorrow!

In the meantime, I have a super important news flash: I posted an incorrect address a couple posts ago. SO, my real address is as follows:

Emilie Schuler
c/o Sarah Grieb
P.O. Box 82
West Glacier, MT 59936.

The only change is the zipcode. It will still get here if you wrote the other zip code, but the post office asked me to kindly update it to the correct zipcode. So, once again, I love getting letters, and people who send me letters get awesome Glacier postcards in return! :)

So, stay tuned for photos tomorrow. Here's a sneak preview of the weekend's photos:

This is me (still looking good after 7 miles of hiking, if I may say so myself) in front of the Gros Ventre Falls, taken by Caiti who has had the wherewithall to upload all her photos already. I promise more will come soon!
(click on the photo to see a larger version).


  1. Hi, Emilie~ Welcome back!
    We missed you while you were gone.
    Here's a little something I read I thought you would like:

    Thoreau claimed that he needed no less than four hours a day of
    "sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely
    free from all worldly engagements."

    (excerpt from Awakening to the Sacred, by Lama Surya Das)

    I love reading your posts, and get a good chuckle everytime :)
    Have a great week, my precious girl.


  2. That was a post from MOM (Sophie was using my computer last night...)

  3. For Emilie:
    Meditation: GROW YOURSELF

    Go to a garden
    And just stand in it.
    Breathe in the air, the fragrances,
    the light, the temperature,
    the music of the different plants, insects, birds, worms,
    caterpillars, grasshoppers, and butterflies.

    Inhale the prana (cosmic energy) of all these abundantly
    growing things.
    Recharge your batteries.
    This is the joy of natural meditation.

    (from Awakening to the Sacred, Surya Das)

  4. Hello Emilie!
    I sat in the woods behind KMU today and watched a young bird getting fed by his dad. It was so nice to just sit and watch and listen...I'm sure you must be enjoying it so much!
    Tried to call twice today...wonder if you were out or sleeping?
    I'll try again tomorrow. Dad said he had a great talk with you. And Grandma Coco was SOOO HAPPY you wrote and called her on her birthday :))
    Talk to you soon.
