Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Losing track of the days

The days are starting to blend together, and I am loosing track of time. So many lovely things have been going on... It's taken me so ridiculously long to upload the following photos, though, so I'll just add some short caption, and leave long explanations and prose for later.

This weekend we went up to a tiny town called Polebridge: no electricty, a dozen or so homes, and one shop that sells the most amazing baked goods and sandwiches this side of Eden. We planned on hiking up in the mountains north of this town, which is about an hour away from where I live, and stopping by the "Merc" to pick up sustenance. Unfortunately, we got a flat tire just short of reaching the town... After switching to a donut, we decided to go the last mile to the town, pick up provisions, but then head back rather than driving further away into the potholed mountain roads.

We still got to do some amazing hiking, though. Here's the view from Demers Ridge, in Forest Service land, looking into the park. God, those mountains are beautiful.

me, happy to be out hiking and in the sun!!!

A glacier lily, a favorite springtime food of bears that eat the flowers and their nutritious bulbs.

A Stellar Jay, with gorgeous plumage. These jays are known to swoop down and steal picnicer's lunches.

Can you see the mountain goats on the cliffs way off in the distance. I wish I had some good binoculars!

We saw lots of wildlife. Here, Bridget found a moose antler and pretends to be a moose.

artsy shot of dandelion and mountain vista.

oh yes. Very happy camper.

Me and my roomate Bridget at Avalanche Lake. So gorgeous.

In the evening we went to a bar called the Blue Moon. It was quite a different experience from any bar I've even been to. Live country music, tons of honky-tonk, and old couples dancing swing, two-step, and line dances. Most people were wearing cowboy boots and hats, jeans, and t-shirts. What a laid-back, fun, funky atmosphere!

Happy Happy Montana.


1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures, Emilie~
    Have fun on your camping trip!!!
