Thursday, December 1, 2011

giving thanks

We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend up at Uncle Pete's house in the White Mountains - the best way to spend a Thanksgiving~ here are some photos, but first, a few things I'm grateful for this year: 
1. I have a wonderful husband who works incredibly hard and makes me really proud
2. I have a job, I'm busy, and I'm contributing to a cause~
3. I spent the most incredible summer at Glacier and made many wonderful friends
4. I'm excited for what the future holds

Love these two!

the centerpiece~

and of course a trip to the White Mountains wouldn't be complete without a hike. We hiked Mt. Tecumseh, another 4,000 footer checked off my list~ Here is a view of Mt. Washington from the summit.

1 comment:

  1. You must be keeping so fit, girl!!!
    Good walking shoes mean good walking :)
    Love MOM
