Monday, September 26, 2011

"Our House"

Well.... this isn't really our house... We live in a former wood-shed converted into an apartment. But you have to admit, this is quite the garden for a recent college grad!! We're getting the last few heaves of summer the past few days, and I'm taking advantage of it while I can! Felix is too:

 Here he is out in the garden, getting excited about the birds... luckily for the birds, he's got a harness on.
 I also went out on a bike ride, to explore the country-side a bit more... and I was rewarded by....
A field full of fluttering monarch butterflies. It was lovely! I wanted to capture more of them, but they kept moving so quickly.. Still, I'm quite proud of this shot!

"In airy dalliance,
Precipitate in love,
Tossed, tangled, whirled and whirled above,
Like a limp rose-wreath in a fairy dance."

~ Robert Frost, a stanza from "My Butterfly" 

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