Saturday, July 30, 2011


The summer is almost over!! I realized that I have THREE weekends left before Joachim arrives, and then my time here in Glacier is finished! Incredible how time flies~

Even though this is a bit late, here's a little intro to my roomies:

This isn't the best shot, but it's the only one I have of all of us together, taken on Heather's birthday~ From Left to Right: Rah (short for Sarah), Bridget, Heather, and me!
Rah works at the front desk at Headquaters~ She just got her masters (English), and is going for her PhD at Montana State. She is our house librarian, because she has hundreds of books in her room (since she lives close by and drove her) which is awesome.
Bridget is my actual roommate, and is a bundle of enthusiasm and energy! She's teaching herself to play guitar, and has composed numerous songs about glacier, being a ranger, and even one about me... I'll upload the hilarious video one of these days~
Heather was once referred to by someone as an "Action Machine" - which definitely describes her seemingly infinite amount of energy for hiking, biking, running, dancing, canoeing, kayaking, seeminly without stop... And she's definitely our trip planner, always coming up with exciting plans for camping and hiking.
And then there's me~ And that's us~ Quite a lively bunch~

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